Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nosebleeds, twitchy feet and backache - dispelling the naiveté of the newly pregnant

Before I got pregnant, I thought pregnancy would be a wonderful experience. I thought I’d enjoy feeling my body change as a whole new life grew inside me. How naïve was I?

Don’t get me wrong. There are lots of enjoyable moments. The baby is kicking as I type and every kick makes me marvel.

Yet there is still a lot that has come as a (not quite nasty but not altogether welcome either) surprise about just what’s involved in growing a baby. Actually, there are so many surprises that I’ve decided to list some of them here so that other mums-to-be can be forewarned. I’ve also listed what I do to remedy these unexpected symptoms of pregnancy. Where I haven’t listed a remedy, I’d appreciate it if any of you could provide one…

1: Very early on in pregnancy, you discover that getting out of bed is no longer the simple task it once was. You can't leap out of bed as you once did. Instead, you have to develop a get-out-of-bed strategy.
In the early days, this is so you don’t get light-headed and faint. In the latter days, it’s more about hauling your increasingly heavy body into an upright position.
Here’s what I do: I roll onto my right side and then push my feet out of the bed and onto the floor. Then I manoeuvre the rest of my body into a sitting position, hold that position for a moment and finally get up. Each of these steps is completed pretty slowly as I can get dizzy if I try to do it too quickly.

2: You’ll get nosebleeds. This is because there is now up to 50% more blood in your body and your blood pressure has increased as a result, making your blood vessels work harder and making it more likely that the delicate vessels in your nose will burst.
My remedy: always carry tissues. Lots and lots of tissues. 
(Slight diversion: I was teaching a class of teenagers in July when my nose suddenly started bleeding. At first, I didn’t realise it was blood but the teenagers quickly informed me what was happening. “Ah, miss,” they yelled. “You must be dying!”)

3: You shouldn’t sleep on your right side. I love sleeping on my right side. It’s where I feel most comfortable. But it’s thought not to be best for the baby as it can restrict blood flow by putting pressure on the vena cava and increasing swelling in the legs – a factor in developing varicose veins. 
Even if you do persist in trying to sleep on your right side (which I must admit I sometimes do), it gets very uncomfortable and you’ll eventually find that you end up turning over onto your left.
What works for me: I get into bed and turn onto my left side. I then ask my partner to jam a pillow behind my back. This doesn’t entirely stop me from moving onto my right side (I have been known to push the pillow out of bed!) but it makes it far less likely that I’ll do so.

4: You may get twitchy feet. Beyond keeping my toenails in check and exfoliating any dry skin, I didn’t used to spend much time thinking about my feet. Now, I rarely stop thinking about them. 
This is because they get sore and hardly ever stop feeling twitchy, not even when I lie down to sleep at night.
The fact that I’m now carrying extra weight might have something to do with this. So might the fact that I now have more blood in my body. But what seems to be the main factor for me is that my default setting appears to be crossing my ankles when I sit at my desk. (I’ve just checked and I was doing it now so I’ve made myself stop doing it. But I’m sure that when I check again in five minutes’ time, I’ll have unconsciously crossed them again. Sigh.)
Crossing your ankles when you sit is bad for your circulation. It’s also thought to be a contributory factor to developing varicose veins when you’re pregnant.  So try not to do it.
Also, having a pillow to prop your legs up on while you’re in bed helps.  
So do foot rubs. Foot rubs are the best.

5: I’ve mentioned varicose veins twice now. I might easily have mentioned them many times more as they’re a huge worry for me. Both my mother and father have them and I think their mothers and fathers had them too. I’ve always feared getting them and now I think the time is nigh… At least, I saw a little lump on my leg this weekend. I’m hoping it goes away.
In the meantime, I’m doing all I can to minimise the risk of getting them. I’m not spending too long sitting or standing at any one time. I try to get a moderate amount of exercise every day. I sleep on my left side. I try not to cross my legs or ankles. And every part of me is hoping that this is enough to spare me the fate of becoming a varicose-veined woman.

6: Warning: this is slightly gross! At 15 weeks pregnant, I was having a pregnancy massage and as I was getting dressed afterwards, I noticed a yellow crust on my nipples. I immediately panicked and thought my nipples were infected! I even imagined them falling off!
But luckily Dr Google came to the rescue and informed me that this crusty stuff was completely normal. Your body starts producing colostrum even at this early stage of pregnancy and this yellow crust is simply a sign that all is progressing as it should be. There’s no need to panic!
What do I do with it? All I do is gently wipe it off with warm water in the bath or shower.

7: Your back becomes sore. So sore. As you get heavier, the muscles and ligaments in your pelvis start to shift and become softer, in readiness for the birth of your baby. This means that they are no longer carrying as much of your weight as they once did so now all of that weight gets shifted to your back - your unbelievably sore back.
It’s hard to know what to do to remedy this. I’ve started to do some stretches, including one where I stand up, extend my arms above my head to their full extent, clasp them together and hold them there for 30 seconds. I do that whenever I go to the loo, which is usually about 10 to 15 times a day (see number eight).

8: You get really thirsty which means that you drink a lot, which in turn means that you have to go to the loo ridiculously often.
There’s no cure for this. Your body and the baby’s need hydration and because your bladder is forced to take up less space than it’s used to (your growing baby is hogging all that space now), it no longer has the same capacity it once had. Get used to it!
However, I have imposed a rule on myself.  I drink constantly throughout the day (approximately two litres of water and several cups of green or herbal tea) but unless I’m really thirsty, I don’t drink anything after 9pm. That way, I don’t have to get up too often during the night.  My sleep suffers enough as it is!

I’ll stop this list here but I have a feeling I might return to it as my body changes more in the future. If you’re also a mum-to-be or if you’ve had a baby in the past, I’d love to hear what tips worked for you. 

If any of you are curious about me and my bump, here's what we looked like during a spectacular sunset in West Kerry about two weeks ago.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The challenge that comes with eating for two and a recipe for pea and mint soup

Pregnancy is a weird and wonderful thing!  
We had our 20-week scan a fortnight ago and saw what seems to be a happy and healthy baby boy moving about on the screen. A baby boy! Imagine that!

That little boy has begun to move about a lot recently. I first felt his movements as tentative little flutterings but lately there have been a few well-aimed wallops! 

I’m beginning to relax into pregnancy a little more now. I don’t know if it was because we tried to get pregnant for so long and to no avail but I’ve found it hard to believe that we're about to have a baby. I still catch sight of myself in the mirror and am startled at the sight of my growing bump. Is that really me, I ask myself.  Is this really happening?

Eating remains something of a challenge and I’m finding that my attitude to food is changing. Before I got pregnant, I used to eat primarily for pleasure, choosing whatever looked good in the fridge and composing a meal from that. Now, I eat much more strategically. I pause to consider whether I’m getting all the nutrients I need (calcium and iron in particular) before I decide what to make for dinner.

I’m also aware that the baby has now begun swallowing amniotic fluid and so can taste some of what I’m eating. I’m desperate not to have a fussy eater on my hands and want to do everything I can to ensure this doesn’t happen. Right now, this means trying to eat as wide a range of foods as possible.
Combine this with my dietary restrictions, my quest to consume enough calcium and iron and the fact that I’m often lacking in energy for cooking at the end of the day and you’ll see why the culinary pressure is well and truly on.

This particular recipe isn’t particularly bursting with calcium and iron but it is full of seasonal summery flavour. On top of that, it’s easy and effortless to make and consists entirely of ingredients that I always have to hand, which is a big bonus for busy mums-to-be (and for anyone who struggles to find the time and energy to make a home-made meal at the end of the day).

Pea and mint soup 
This makes between eight and ten servings.

2 onions, peeled and chopped
1 large floury potato, peeled and chopped (Rooster, Kerr’s pinks, Maris Piper, Golden Wonder and Queens are all good varieties)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 litres of vegetable stock
750g frozen peas
A bunch of mint, finely chopped
Salt and black pepper
  • Prepare your vegetables.
  • Sweat the chopped onion and potato in the oil over a very low heat for ten minutes, until the onion has softened but hasn't yet begun to colour.
  • Add the stock. Bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the potato is tender.
  • Raise the heat, stir in the frozen peas and simmer for four to five minutes.
  • Remove from the heat, add the chopped mint and purée the soup using a soup wand or a blender. I always do this in stages, tasting as I go. For this amount of soup, I would use at least 10 grams of mint (leaves and stalks). Some of you may prefer your soup to take on a mintier flavour; others may prefer it less so.
  • Finally, I add the salt and pepper. Again, I would urge you to do this to taste. I use at least 3 teaspoons of salt (and 2 teaspoons of freshly-ground black pepper) for this amount of soup but that's my palate, not yours. Start with 2 teaspoons. Stir it in and taste. Add more as you see fit. That's what 'seasoning to taste' is all about.
All sorts of accompaniments go with this soup. I've been eating toasted bread slathered with hummus but those of you on an unrestricted diet might also opt for a bacon sandwich or a cheese toasty. Yum!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I've got news. BIG news.

Have you missed me? I’m sorry to have left you in the lurch but rest assured that I did have the best of reasons.

I’ve been exhausted and completely lacking in motivation to do any sort of creative cooking for the past few months. Luckily, it’s not because I’ve been experiencing an MS relapse (I feel healthy and strong from that point of view). It’s because I’m pregnant!

Some of you who know me in real life will know that this is something I’ve wanted for a long time – a very long time.
Life got in my way. We had difficulty conceiving. There were all the health worries associated with me having MS. In fact, there were so many hurdles that I was beginning to come to the heart-breaking conclusion that I would never be a mother.

But… then came March and a positive pregnancy test (actually three positive pregnancy tests as I couldn’t believe what the first, or second, was telling me!).

This is the third test - the one I finally believed!

My reactions surprised me. I was understandably shocked. I was overwhelmed with happiness. But I also felt unexpectedly fearful, fearful for the future and the physical, emotional and other challenges it would bring. It seemed that hoping for something for a long time had in no way prepared me for the reality of being pregnant.

Nor did it prepare me for the side-effects of early pregnancy. There were times when I felt entirely drained of physical and mental energy. Lifting my limbs or thinking a thought through to a logical conclusion (let alone crafting a sentence) proved to be beyond me. I didn’t suffer from morning sickness but I was repulsed by food. I had a disgusting metallic taste in my mouth no matter what I ate.  
(Surely when you take all of this into consideration, you’ll understand why I haven’t been able to cook or write anything about food for you here!)

I feel better now that I’m in my second trimester. The metallic taste is gone and repulsion has been replaced by ravenousness. However, the tiredness hasn’t gone away but recent blood tests may have revealed the reason for that: my iron levels are low.

This poses a particular problem for me. I have a condition that is common to Irish people called haemochromatosis. It causes my body to absorb excessive amounts of iron, which in turn puts pressure on my liver. In the past, I controlled this by not eating too many iron-rich foods; something that wasn’t too difficult because the OMS diet prevents me from eating red meat (or indeed any meat at all).

But now the baby obviously needs more iron than I have to give and because of my condition, I can’t take iron supplements.

So, I’ve started a new regime. I’ve decided to eat red meat once a week and two weeks ago, we had lamb. We cooked it on the barbeque so that most of the fat cooked out of the meat and on to the coals and it was delicious.  The following week, we had beef and that didn't go so well (but the less said about that, the better).

I’m eating sardines once a week. I had them with red onions, broccoli and whole-wheat pasta for lunch today and I’m still licking my lips.

I'm eating tofu once a week too. I don't want to eat it more often than that as I'm a little worried about soy products. 
(Those of you who are more informed than I am: am I right to be worried?)

I’m also eating more pulses.

I’m looking forward to experimenting with all of these ingredients and I’m sure I’ll post lots about it (and about the learning process of being pregnant) here.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear from any of you who followed the OMS diet or any kind of health-giving exclusion diet while pregnant. How did you stick to the diet while making sure your baby got everything it needed to grow strong and healthy?

Monday, January 18, 2016

A recipe that will come to your rescue: pasta with broccoli, anchovies and garlic

I couldn't tell you how often I've made this for supper. I discovered it in Jamie Oliver's Happy Days with the Naked Chef about 15 years ago and have probably made it more than a hundred times since then. I've adapted the recipe a little to make it OMS friendly but it still tastes as lip-smackingly good as ever.

The flavour combination isn't the only reason this has become one of my go-to recipes. It's also easy and quick to make and I always have the ingredients to hand. 

I've even found that this recipe comes to the rescue if ever I'm hungover. There's something about the carbs in the pasta together with the saltiness of the anchovies and the head-clearing qualities of chilli that make it the ideal hangover buster!

So, here's how you whip up dinner for a hungry woman in the space of 15 minutes.

100g dried pasta (I use wholewheat farfalle)
One quarter of a head of broccoli, stem and all
1 large clove of garlic
4 anchovies
1 tablespoon of olive oil (if your anchovies come in oil, use some of that)
1/4 teaspoon of chilli
Salt and black pepper

  • Bring a pot of water to the boil. Add a generous amount of salt and when the water starts bubbling again, add the pasta. Wholewheat pasta usually takes about 15 minutes to cook, which allows you plenty of time to get everything else ready.
  • Chop the stem off your quarter head of broccoli. Cut off the dried-out end of the stem and any rough edges. Then chop the remainder into one-centimetre pieces. Don't worry too much about being precise. This isn't that sort of recipe.
  • Cut the head of broccoli into small florets and add any chunky stems to your pile of stem pieces. In this recipe nothing goes to waste.
  • You should end up with two piles that look something like this:

  • Chop your garlic as finely as you can.
  • Add the oil, anchovies, garlic, chilli and broccoli pieces to a small saucepan. Cover the saucepan and place over a low heat for seven minutes. I recommend shaking the saucepan about every minute or so to make sure that nothing is sticking to the bottom. If you feel that there is a danger of this happening or that your garlic might burn, add a tablespoon or two of water to the pan to keep the temperature down and make sure your concoction doesn't fry to a frazzle. 
  • Add the broccoli florets to the pan with the pasta in it five minutes or so before the pasta is due to be ready.
  • Then when everything is cooked, strain the water from the pasta and broccoli and toss them both into the pan with the broccoli pieces. Add some freshly-ground black pepper (be generous) and combine all of the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Pour everything into a bowl, making sure that you scrape out every last drizzle of the garlicky, anchovy-flavoured oil at the bottom of the pan. That's where all the real flavour is!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Good food and box sets - the only way to recover from the excesses of Christmas

Is it just me or are there others out there who think the festive season ought to be renamed exhaustion season? While it was lovely to catch up with family and friends over Christmas and New Year, the endless whirlwind of cooking, eating, drinking, socialising and staying up late wore me out and I'm only just beginning to recover.

The weather probably had its part to play too. Here in Dingle and all over Ireland, it didn't stop raining for days. And by rain, I'm not talking about a light shower. No, we're talking torrential downpours here. This meant that the only time I got out of the house was when I ran to the car to venture to the shops for more supplies or to the pub to meet up with friends!

Nor did I succeed in sticking to the OMS diet 100% of the time. It was next to impossible considering the amount of chocolate and mince pies in the house!
However, I didn't stray too much. I'd taken precautions by preparing batches of OMS-friendly treats such as these cookies and raw brownies so I was able to tuck into those whenever I felt tempted. And I'm very much back on the wagon now, using the power of good food to help me get over the exertions of Christmas*.

One of the dishes I've been cooking a lot lately is this one: spiced cauliflower and leeks with green beans and freekeh.

It's a dish that quick and easy to make. Its seasonal ingredients are affordable and widely available in the shops. It's packed with nutritional goodness. And for anyone who doesn't know what freekeh is, it's an ancient grain with a nutty flavour. Once confined to health stores, it's now stocked in many supermarkets. But don't worry if you can't find it. Feel free to substitute with any other wholegrain. I'd recommend bulgur wheat for its similar flavour and texture.

The following portions serve one.

50g freekeh (or alternative wholegrain)
150g cauliflower, approximately one quarter of a head of cauliflower
100g leeks, approximately one leek
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
5 tablespoons water
70g green beans
Some chopped coriander

  • Start by preparing your vegetables. Remove the tough stalk from the cauliflower and tear the remainder into small florets. Remove the hairy root from the leek, peel off its tough outer layer and then chop what remains into one-centimetre-long rounds. Top and tail the green beans and cut them in half.
  • Place your freekeh in a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Place the olive oil in a wok or frying pan (be sure to use one that has a lid). Add the spices and salt. Add the cauliflower florets and chopped leeks and toss so that the veggies are covered in the spicy oil. Add the water. 
  • Place a lid on the wok/frying pan and place it over a medium heat. Cook for 10 minutes, shaking the pan frequently to make sure none of the vegetables are sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  • Five minutes before your freekeh is due to be cooked, add the green beans to the pan with the grains and cover with a lid.
  • Once fifteen minutes are up, toss the contents of the two pans together. Add some chopped coriander and combine thoroughly. Taste and add a touch more salt if necessary.
  • A fried or poached egg makes a delicious addition to this dish.
  • May we all eat this well in the year to come!

* Now that the weather is better, I'm able to exercise more too. Long walks in the fresh air with my always enthusiastic dog Jimmy are just the thing to lift the spirits. And so too are dark evenings curled up on the sofa with the latest season of the Bridge. I'm looking forward to watching Making a Murderer next. Have any of you seen it?

You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas is...

(a) A time of family harmony and togetherness
(b) A source of stress and pressure
(c) An opportunity to make and devour delicious food
(d) A struggle to cover the cost of gifts and the price of the aforementioned feast and/or to find the time to get everything ready in time.

If you’re anything like me, Christmas is a combination of all of the above. I think the festive season is a wonderful yet fraught time of year. For me, it’s already involved a heart-lifting evening listening to the Dingle choir and orchestra as well as several frantic searches for Christmas gifts. And it hasn’t even really started yet…

For the moment, I’ve succeeded in in juggling the various challenges that Christmas brings and I hope you’re managing to do so too.
Wishing you all a Christmas that is full of kindness and blessed with love, laughter and good food.

Guím Nollaig mhór mhaith oraibh go léir

The weather is very mild here so I don't think we're in for a white Christmas but this is what it was like during the cold winter of 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Dingle Food Festival is back. Are you coming?

The Dingle Food Festival is happening this weekend and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm going to be able to sit back and enjoy it.

I've had a stall at the farmers' market since 2007 and as a result, the weekend of the food festival was always one of the busiest of my entire year. It was even busier when I had the café as I took part in the Taste Trail too. (I remember going to sleep at 1am on the Friday of the food festival in 2012 and setting my alarm to get up again at 4.30am - painful memories!)

This year will be different. I'm taking a sabbatical, which means I can attend all the cookery demonstrations and workshops I want, savouring the atmosphere on the streets and sampling deliciousness as I go.

Top of my agenda are cookery demonstrations from:
- Rory O'Connell of Ballymaloe renown
- Mark Moriarty who recently won the title of San Pellegrino Young Chef of the year (which means he's the best young chef in the world!)
- French chef Michel LeBorgne
- And spice supremo Arun Kapil of Green Saffron fame.

I also hope to attend the fermentation workshop. I'm intrigued by the sound of the TRADEIT project, which will showcase 20 food producers from all over Europe.

And then there's the Taste Trail. Seventy six of Dingle's shops, pubs, art galleries, cafés, restaurants and breweries will host food producers from all over the peninsula who will sell samples of their most delicious food. I'm already eagerly anticipating the likes of Dingle Bay crabmeat and monkfish thermidor tartlets, Derry Clarke's Dingle Vodka-cured salmon with pickled baby vegetables and sea herbs, porchetta with homemade bread and caramelised onions and adventures in Valhrona chocolate...

I can't wait for this year's festival. Will any of you be there?