Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunny times in West Kerry

Be honest. Which would you choose:
Option A: this admittedly hard-working electric oven

Or option B: a walk on a gloriously sunny day?

My oven has been calling me all week.
"Sharon," it says, in its commanding German tones (it is a De Dietrich after all). "Bake something for your blog. It's been too long."
"But I can't," I answer. "It's far too sunny outside."
It really has been sunny. The light has been so clear and golden, showing up the landscape in all its stark beauty. As anybody who lives in Ireland (especially in the west) will testify: we don't get very many of these days. There certainly won't be very many of them between now and March. So, I had no choice. I had to ignore my oven and make the most of the sunshine. That's what I've been doing and here are some pictures to prove it:
Tuesday's dramatic sunset (as seen from my house)
Tuesday's sliver of moon
And introducing Jimmy, a happy dog who has been getting lots of walks these sunny days.

By the way, the weather has now turned. It's still clear and bright but it's really cold. You're bound to get a recipe out of me soon!


  1. Ok, I have palpable, fiery envy of your residence in Dingle and the view from your house. Do you know how lucky you are? One day, Do you want to house-swap with the Wallers one day for holidays? how does a week in Athens, GA grab ya? Maybe when we have upgraded our residence and have a pool I will be able to entice you!

  2. One day, Eadaoin, it might just happen!
